
Nowak, K., Wójcikowska, B., Gajecka, M. Elżbieciak, A., Morończyk, J., Wójcik, A. M., Żemła, P., Citerne, S., Kiwior-Wesołowska, A., Zbieszczyk, J., Gaj, M. D. 2023. The improvement of the in vitro plant regeneration in barley with the epigenetic modifier of histone acetylation, trichostatin A. J Appl Genetics.

Mikuła A., Gaj M.D. , Grzyb M., Hazubska-Przybył T., Kępczyńska K., Kępczyński J., Rybczyński J., Karolina Tomiczak K., Wójcik A.M. 2022. Polish Contribution to Global Research on Somatic Embryogenesis. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae. doi :10.5586/asbp.9115

Morończyk, J.; Brąszewska, A.; Wójcikowska, B.; Chwiałkowska, K.; Nowak, K.; Wójcik, A.M.; Kwaśniewski, M.; Gaj, M.D. 2022. Insights into the Histone Acetylation-Mediated Regulation of the Transcription Factor Genes That Control the Embryogenic Transition in the Somatic Cells of Arabidopsis. Cells

Nowak, K.; Morończyk, J.; Grzyb, M.; Szczygieł-Sommer, A.; Gaj, M.D. 2022. miR172 Regulates WUS during Somatic Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis via AP2. Cells. 11, 718.

Grzybkowska, D.; Nowak, K.; Gaj, M.D. 2020. Hypermethylation of Auxin-Responsive Motifs in the Promoters of the Transcription Factor Genes Accompanies the Somatic Embryogenesis Induction in Arabidopsis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 6849.

Nowak, K.; Morończyk, J.; Wójcik, A.; Gaj, M.D. 2020. AGL15 Controls the Embryogenic Reprogramming of Somatic Cells in Arabidopsis through the Histone Acetylation-Mediated Repression of the miRNA Biogenesis Genes. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 6733.

Wójcik, A.M.; Wójcikowska, B.; Gaj, M.D. 2020. Current Perspectives on the Auxin-Mediated Genetic Network that Controls the Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis in Plants. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 1333.

Wójcikowska, B.; Wójcik, A.M.; Gaj, M.D. 2020. Epigenetic Regulation of Auxin-Induced Somatic Embryogenesis in Plants. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 2307.

Wójcik, A.M. 2020. Research Tools for the Functional Genomics of Plant miRNAs During Zygotic and Somatic Embryogenesis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 4969.

Kudełko, K., Gaj, M.D. 2019. Glutathione (GSH) induces embryogenic response in in vitro cultured explants of Arabidopsis thaliana via auxin-related mechanism. Plant Growth Regul 89, 25–36.

Wójcikowska B., Botor B., Morończyk J., Wójcik A.M., Nodzynski T., Karcz J., Gaj M.D. 2018. Trichostatin A triggers an embryogenic transition in Arabidopsis explants via an auxin-related pathway. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi 10.3389/fpls.2018.01353

Wójcik A.M., Mosiolek M., Karcz J., Nodine M.D., Gaj M.D. 2018. Whole mount in situ localization of miRNAs and mRNAs during somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi 10.3389/fpls.2018.01277

Robert H.S., Park C., Guitérrez C.L., Wójcikowska B., Pěnčík A., Novák O., Chen J., Grunewald W., Dresselhaus T., Friml J. and Laux T. 2018. Maternal auxin supply contributes to early embryo patterning in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants #NPLANTS-16112258B.

Betekhtin A., Milewska-Hendel A., Chajec L., Rojek M., Nowak K., Kwasniewska J., Wolny E., Kurczynska E., Hasterok R. 2018. 5-Azacitidine Induces Cell Death in a Tissue Culture of Brachypodium distachyon. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19(6): 1806

Grzybkowska D., Morończyk J., Wójcikowska B., Gaj M.D. 2018. Azacitidine (5-AzaC)-treatment and mutations in DNA methylasegenes affect embryogenic response and expression of the genes that are involved in somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Growth Regul.

Wójcik A.M., Nodine M.D., Gaj M.D. 2017. miR160 and miR166/165 contribute to the LEC2-mediated auxin response involved in the somatic embryogenesis induction in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 8. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.02024

Wójcikowska B., Gaj M.D. 2017. Expression profiling of AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR genes during somatic embryogenesis induction in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Rep. 36: 843–858; doi: 10.1007/s00299-017-2114-3

Szyrajew K., Bielewicz D., Dolata J., Wójcik A.M., Nowak K., Szczygieł-Sommer A., Szweykowska-Kulinska Z., Jarmolowski A., Gaj M.D. 2017. MicroRNAs are intensively regulated during induction of somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 8:10.3389/fpls.2017.00018.

Nowak K., Gaj M.D. 2016. Stress-related function of bHLH109 in somatic embryo induction in Arabidopsis. J. Plant Physiol. 193: 119-126.

Wójcikowska B., Gaj M.D. 2016. Somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis, in SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS. FUNDAMENTAL ASPECTS AND APPLICATIONS, (V. M. Loyola Vargas and N. Ochoa-Alejo, eds.). Springer, Switzerland, pp. 185–199

Nowak K., Gaj M.D. 2016. Transcription factors in the regulation of somatic embryogenesis in SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS. FUNDAMENTAL ASPECTS AND APPLICATIONS, (V. M. Loyola Vargas and N. Ochoa-Alejo, eds.). Springer, Switzerland, pp. 53-79.

Wójcik A.M., Gaj M.D. 2016. miR393 contributes to the embryogenic transition induced in vitro in Arabidopsis via the modification of the tissue sensitivity to auxin treatment. Planta 244: 231–243. doi: 10.1007/s00425-016-2505-7

Wójcik A.M., Gaj M.D. 2016. Genomika funkcjonalna miRNA – narzędzia badawcze. Postępy Biologii Komórki, 43: 255–272.

Nowak K., Wójcikowska B., Gaj M.D. 2015. ERF022 impacts the induction of somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis through the ethylene-related pathway. Planta 241: 967-985

Wójcikowska B., Gaj M.D. 2015. LEAFY COTYLEDON2-mediated control of the endogenous hormone content: implications for the induction of somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Cult. 121: 255-258.

Wójcikowska B., Jaskóła K., Gąsiorek P., Meus M., Nowak K., Gaj M.D. 2013. LEAFY COTYLEDON2 (LEC2) promotes embryogenic induction in somatic tissue of Arabidopsis via YUCCA-mediated auxin biosynthesis. Planta 238: 425-440.

Gliwicka M., Nowak K., Balazadeh S., Muller-Roeber B., Gaj M.D. 2013. Extensive modulation of the transcription factor transcriptome during somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS One 8/7: e69261

Nowak K., Wojcikowska B., Szyrajew K., Gaj M.D. 2012. Evaluation of different embryogenic systems for production of true somatic embryos in Arabidopsis. Biologia Plantarum 56: 401-408

Gliwicka M., Nowak K., Cieśla E., Gaj M.D. 2012. Expression of seed storage product genes (CRA1 and OLEO4) in embryogenic cultures of somatic tissues of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Cult. 109: 235-245

Kraut M., Wójcikowska B., Ledwoń A., Gaj M.D. 2011. Immature zygotic embryo cultures of Arabidopsis – a model system for molecular studies on morphogenic pathways induced in vitro. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 53: 59-67. doi: 10.2478/v10182-011-0028-x

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Kurczyńska E.U., Gaj M.D., Ujczak U., Mazur E. 2007. Histological analysis of direct somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Planta 226: 619-628.

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